Sage 300 provides ‘Inventory Control’ module to maintain organization’s stock related data. Inventory valuation allows a company to assign a financial value to the items that make up their inventory. Sage 300 ERP has a very strong inventory control module, with the different costing methods supported. Inventories are usually the largest current asset of any business and their proper measurement is essential to determine accurate financial statements. If inventory is not properly measured, costs and revenues may not be properly matched and the company may make poor business decisions.
New Stuff : Possible cause of “object is not defined in roto event file”
There are 6 costing methods available in Sage 300 ERP for Inventory Valuation. In this blog we are going to discuss about how user can assign FIFO/LIFO costing method to particular item and also how user can check for which items FIFO/LIFO costing method is assigned in FIFO/LIFO Inquiry screen.
First of all FIFO means goods are used in the order they are purchased and LIFO means goods received last are used first. In Sage 300 ERP, user can assign FIFO/LIFO and other costing methods in Account Set Code option by navigating to Inventory Control>>I/C Items and Price Lists>>Items screen. Please refer below screenshots.
![FIFO-LIFO Inquiry]()
![FIFO-LIFO Inquiry Image 1]()
After assigning FIFO/LIFO costing method to item, click on LIFO/FIFO inquiry screen by navigating to Inventory Control>>I/C Statistics and Inquiries>>LIFO/FIFO Inquiry screen. Please refer below screenshot.
![FIFO-LIFO Inquiry Image 2]()
Then from the Account Set Code field, select the costing method that the user wants to see for which item FIFO or LIFO costing method is assigned. Then select the range of items or select particular item to see which method is applied to selected item. Also Location wise, user can select items to see costing method. Then click on go button and user can see for which item FIFO/LIFO costing methods are assigned. Please refer below screenshot.
![FIFO-LIFO Inquiry Image 3]()
Then select any item from the grid and click on details button, here user can see how costing is applied against particular item i.e. User can also see the costing scenarios when quantity received, quantity shipped and quantity available in your inventory with respect to the receipt/document number. Please refer below screenshot for same.
![FIFO-LIFO Inquiry Image 4]()
About Us
Greytrix – a globally recognized and one of the oldest Sage Development Partner is a one-stop solution provider for Sage ERP and Sage CRM organizational needs. Being acknowledged and rewarded for multi-man years of experience, we bring complete end-to-end assistance for your technical consultations, product customizations, data migration, system integrations, third party add-on development and implementation competence.
Greytrix offers unique GUMU integrated solutions of Sage 300 with Sage CRM, (listed on Salesforce Appexchange), Dynamics 365 CRM and Magento eCommerce along with Sage 300 Migration from Sage 50 US, Sage 50 CA, Sage PRO, QuickBooks, Sage Business Vision and Sage Business Works. We also offer best-in-class Sage 300 customization and development services and integration services for applications such as POS | WMS | Payroll | Shipping System | Business Intelligence | eCommerce for Sage 300 ERP and for Sage 300c development services we offer, upgrades of older codes and screens to new web screens, latest integrations using sData and web services to Sage business partners, end users and Sage PSG worldwide.
Greytrix offers 20+ addons for Sage 300 to enhance productivity such as GreyMatrix, Document Attachment, Document Numbering, Auto-Bank Reconciliation, Purchase Approval System, Three way PO matching, Bill of Lading and VAT for Middle East. The GUMU integration for Dynamics 365 CRM – Sage ERP is listed on Microsoft Appsource with easy implementation package.
The GUMU Cloud framework by Greytrix forms the backbone of cloud integrations that are managed in real-time for processing and execution of application programs at the click of a button.
For more details on Sage 300 and Sage 300c Services, please contact us at, We will like to hear from you.
The post LIFO/FIFO Inquiry appeared first on Sage 300 ERP – Tips, Tricks and Components.