Optional Field is one of the best features in Sage 300 to capture various information at any level. It means we can link the Optional Fields at Masters as well as Transaction Level though the optional Field cannot be linked to the Bank Services (For Masters as well as Transactions).
By using this feature we can generate many reports without any additional efforts. In previous blog we understood how to generate Customer Outstanding Report by using Optional Field value. Going further, in this blog we will check how we can generate Vendor Outstanding Report by Optional field value.
New Stuff: Account Roll Feature
We have to map the required Optional Field to each Vendor at Master Level. After posting all transactional Batches successfully, we are in the position of generating report with Optional field without any extra efforts.
For using this functionality follow the below steps:
1) Creation of Optional Field.
2) Link Optional field to Account Payable (Vendor) Masters and Transactions as per your requirement.
3) All transactions should be posted successfully before printing Vendor Outstanding Report.
Prefer below detail process with screen shots to execute this operation successfully.
1) Creation of Optional field :
Path: Common Services: Optional Field
Here we are defining Optional Field.
2) Linking of Optional Field to Accounts Payable Masters :
Path: Accounts Payable -> A/P Setup -> Optional Field.
Here we can link Optional Field to the specific Transaction / Master.
3) Linking of Optional Field value at Vendor Master :
Path: Accounts Payable -> A/P Vendor -> Vendor.
Here we can create / update Vendor details. In Optional Field Tab we are updating Optional Field Value. It’s treated as Master. At any time we can change this Value.
4) Customer Outstanding Report :
Path: Accounts Payable -> A/P Transaction Reports -> Vendor Transactions.
Here we generate Vendor Outstanding Report by selecting appropriate options.
Sample Report:
Same feature will applicable for Accounts Receivable (Customer Master) to generate Customer Outstanding Report.
Also Read:-
1 Retainage Accounting
2 Cleanup Accounts Using Apply Document Feature in sage 300 ERP
3 Email BOL reports to specified persons in Sage 300 ERP
5 AP Vendor Ledger Report for Sage 300 ERP