Macro is a scripting utility and framework that is delivered as a built-in feature of Sage 300. Using Macros, you can customize the system, modify screens, schedule reports to run automatically, connect Sage 300 with external applications, and so many other workflow modifications.
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Here are some common examples of Macros we have created for our Sage 300 customers:
1. Export Salesperson Info from Account Receivable to Excel.
To export the Salesperson Information user need to open Export Salesperson Info macro. The below is the screen shot of Export Salesperson Info.
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After Exporting the Salesperson Info you will get this in Excel format.
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2. Import Excel format of Invoice Entry in to AR Invoice Entry Screen.
To Import the Excel Format of Invoice entry in to AR Invoice Entry screen. The below is the screen shot for Import Invoice Info.
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After importing you will get this entry in AR Invoice Entry Screen.
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So, you can use Macros to Import the entries through Excel and Export to Excel.
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