With the help of Sage 300 Project and Job Costing module organization can be able to manage estimations, tracking inventory purchase, costing, and billings of projects, miscellaneous costs as well as processing charges. This module also facilitates user to set some formats for the various documents/transactions that are processed under PJC module.
In this blog we are going to discuss about the option provided in Sage 300 PJC module which allows user to specify the specific format for document number.
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In order to access the screen navigates to Project and Job Costing –> PJC Setup –> Options screen –> Transactions Tab. Kindly refer the screenshot for the same.
With this feature user will be able to set the format for document number for the various PJC module transactions.
User can use this feature based on below parameters:
Document Type:
- As you can see in the screenshot above, it allows user to specify the format for transaction numbers “Document Type” wise.
- This is non editable column; all the standard screens for PJC Transactions are listed under this column.
- The feature also allows user to set the maximum character length for the transaction number.
- The value specified for the length is validated against the Sage 300 character limit for that particular transaction number. User can specify the length less than or equal to maximum characters supported as per standard.
- Editable column, user can not set ‘0’ value i.e. 0 character length for any of this.
- User can specify the set of characters which will be considered as “prefix” while generating transaction number.
- Editable field and user can leave this field blank.
- Maximum Prefix length allowed is transaction number length specified -1 or 6 whichever is less.
Next Number:
- This is the actual number which will get assigned to transaction by combining with prefix and padding zeros as a transaction number. It helps to uniquely identify each transaction.
- This value will get automatically incremented on creation of new transaction with auto-numbered document.
- Editable field, User can change the value for next number.
- User can change transaction number formats specifications i.e. length, Prefix and next number at any time.
- This will allow user to set the transaction numbers which can describe the transaction in better terms. Also can help to skip the specific transaction number generation and can later on allow entering the skipped transaction.
You can refer to the example below for demonstrating use of “Transaction Numbering” feature:
Kindly refer to the screenshot above and consider the values set for the “Material Usage”
Length: 8 characters, Prefix: MTRL, Next Number: 6
The last entry generated for the Material usage is as below:
So the next transaction number will be generated as “MTRL0006” (prefix: MTRL, Length: 8 Characters and Next number: 6)
The “Next Number” in the PJC options will be set to 7, kindly refer to the screenshot below:
If user makes changes in the prefix and next number as per below screenshot
Set the Prefix as “MTRLU” instead of “MTRL” and length as “16” instead of “8” and Next Number “10” instead of “7”.
Then the next transaction will get generated with number as “MTRLU00000000010 and will assign 11 as next number to be generated in the PJC options. Kindly refer to the screenshots below:
Also read:
- PJC – Contract Summary Report
- Sage 300 PJC – Option to default AR Invoice Comment Field
- Default Contract Style of PJC Options in Sage 300 ERP
- Sage 300 PJC – Option to default AR Invoice Description Field
- Default accounting methods of PJC
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Greytrix is one stop solution provider for Sage ERP and Sage CRM needs. We provide complete end-to-end assistance for your technical consultations, product customizations, data migration, system integrations, third party add-on development and implementation expertise.
Greytrix have some unique solutions of Sage 300 integration with Sage CRM, Salesforce.com and Magento eCommerce along with Sage 300 Migration from Sage 50 US, Sage 50 CA, Sage PRO, QuickBooks, Sage Business Vision and Sage Business Works. We also offer best-in-class Sage 300 customization and development services to Sage business partners, end users, and Sage PSG worldwide.