Here we have comes up with one more useful validation on Purchase Order screen that will help users who are working on vendor contract cost. Below is the detail description of this customization.
We have put validation on detail level Item Unit Cost that cannot be greater than base price set from Vendor Contract Cost for Particular Item.
Suppose a user sets the base price of an Item as 500 from PO Vendor Contract Cost Screen for a particular Vendor then the base price set against the item of a particular vendor will automatically populate the unit cost as per the standard functionality.
As per the below screenshot, we have set base price from Vendor Contract Cost Screen to an item for a particular vendor.
The validation states that if the user set unit cost greater than the base price set in Vendor Cost screen for that particular item of that particular vendor then the system will show below error and will not allow a user to set unit cost greater then base price set in vendor cost.
The main purpose of this blog is to provide our customers to validate item unit cost as per their requirement in P/O Entry and should not allow item which are not present in Vendor Contract Cost Screen.