Sales Shipment is a confirmation document sent to the customers before delivering the goods or services. Sales Shipment can be created once your prospective customer accepts the quote. It is sometimes difficult to find those shipments quickly when required. Hence, we have developed a report UI from which you can export the Shipment data, Order data & Invoice data from the single user interface in an excel format.
In this blog, we will look details about shipment data & the columns in details.
New Stuff:- Simplified OE Module Report (Invoice Details)
Below is the UI that we have developed.
On this UI, you have the option to select transaction type like Order, Shipment & Invoice. Depending on your selection, the report will export the data. In addition, you can filter by date, customer number & location.
If you select Shipment type & export it then data will get export in below format.
Excel includes fields such as Shipment No, Shipment Date, Customer Number, Customer name, Ship To Location, Location, Ship Via Code, Description, Reference, Tax Group, Terms Code, Shipment Subtotal, Shipment Discount Amount, Total Tax Amount, and Shipment Total.
Below is the detail explanation of all the fields:-
Shipment No– Header level Shipment No field
Shipment date – Header level Shipment date field
Customer number – Header level Customer number field
Customer name – Header level Customer name field
Ship to location – Header level ship to location field (Description)
Location– Header level Location field (Description)
Ship Via Code – Header level ship Via Code field (Description)
Description – Header level description field
Reference – Header level Reference field
Tax Group – Header level Tax Group field from Tax tab
Terms Code – Header level Terms Code field from Customer tab
Shipment subtotal – Detail level Order subtotal field
Shipment discount amount – Header level shipment discount from taxes tab
Total tax amount – Header level total tax amount field from taxes tab
Shipment Total – Header level Shipment Total field Total tab
In our next blog, we will discuss Invoice entry data that is to be export from this UI.
Note: – We can add or remove fields as per your requirement.
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