Sage 300 ERP 2018 is available now. With the release of Sage 300 ERP 2018, we are pleased to announce the release of our “Create POs from OE with Copy Comments and Optional Fields” customization in Sage 300 v2018.
This customization is an enhancement in a standard “Create Pos from OE” functionality which provides additional feature to copy the comments and optional field’s values from the OE order to newly generated PO Purchase Order. You can refer to our below blog link to check the detail working on this customization: Create P/O’s from O/E – Copy Comments and Optional Fields
New Stuff: Custom Utility to keep order invoice record with optional field
Basic working of Create Pos from OE with Copy Comments and optional field values
The standard screen for “Create PO from OE” screen is customized and added an extra frame for additional options provided at the bottom of the screen along with “Setup Optional Fields” button on the screen.
Using “Setup Optional Fields” button a user can set the required optional filed to process this customization i.e. “POFROMOE” “Yes/No” optional field will be generated and the same optional field will be assigned to the Purchase Order with Auto-Insert as “Yes”
With the help of “Process” button customization copies the values for the selected options present in the “Copy to P/O” frame along with the comments and optional field’s values for a header as all details as per selection.
Finally, after generating PO and updating values in PO, the optional field “POFROMOE” value will be set to “YES”.
Note :
As mentioned in the earlier blog, it has some technical restrictions regarding copying/editing the values in the generated P/O’s from O/E. This customization does not work for consolidate Items and Items with Insufficient Quantities due to insufficient mapping in the Sage 300 standard process views.
About Us
Greytrix is a one-stop solution provider for Sage ERP and Sage CRM needs. We provide complete end-to-end assistance for your technical consultations, product customizations, data migration, system integrations, third-party add-on development and implementation expertise.
Greytrix has some unique solutions of Sage 300 integration with Sage CRM, and Magento eCommerce along with Sage 300 Migration from Sage 50 US, Sage 50 CA, Sage PRO, QuickBooks, Sage Business Vision and Sage Business Works. We also offer best-in-class Sage 300 customization and development services to Sage business partners, end users, and Sage PSG worldwide.
For more details on Sage 300 Services, please contact us at We will be glad to assist you.